Damien, Jake and Asmaa Fact File Final Draft!

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3 Responses to Damien, Jake and Asmaa Fact File Final Draft!

  1. Mr. Cooper says:

    Wow, this page is fantastic! I love the way you’ve designed it with the tiled star background. Well done for adding a audio file for each fact – this will make it easier for younger children to listen to your facts, as well as read them.

  2. WattsK16 says:

    wow! i love your work and the way you have put yellow borders to make your writing stand out . And the star background makes everything stand out to also if a younger child wants to read it you have your selves speaking so they don’t have to read it well done !!!

  3. DragoneR says:

    I think this page is fantastic, I like the way that you have put an audio file for each fact. It is very colourful and the writing stands out. Also if younger children wanted to learn facts about space they could look at this and if they weren’t sure what it said they could listen to the audio file and know what it said. Well done, da iawn!

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